How Sahil Bloom grew to 700K follower


One of the fastest-growing creators I’ve seen over the last few years is Sahil Bloom. Sahil is a writer, investor, and podcaster who first built his following on Twitter.

In just July of 2020, Sahil had about 5,000 followers on Twitter. Today, in September 2022, he’s just a hair shy of 700,000.

And over the last 12 months, he’s averaging around 50,000 new followers per month.

One thing that really helped Sahil on that path was that he innovated on how Twitter was use. He was one of the first people to really lean into Threads – especially on a consistent basis.

Despite all of that – Sahil says there's nothing special about him or his approach. He doesn't credit any special talent or insight, just hard work and consistency – something he learned as a Division I collegiate baseball player.

So in this episode, we talk about Sahil’s rocketship Twitter growth, how he attracts the support of others, how he’s changed his strategy as he’s grown, and why he believes his success all comes down to being Consistent.

Watch on YouTube:

It's also available in audio wherever you get your podcasts. I hope you enjoy it!

118 Sahil Bloom
Attracting 700,000 followers on Twitter by being consistent

Sahil Bloom is a writer, investor, and podcaster. Every week, his content reaches over 1 million people around the world.

Sahil has nearly 700,000 followers on Twitter (@SahilBloom), 118,000 subscribers to his newsletter (The Curiosity Chronicle), a podcast (Where It Happens), and more.

In this episode, we talk about Sahil’s rocketship Twitter growth, how he attracts the support of others, how he’s changed his strategy as he’s grown, and why he believes his success all comes down to being Consistent.

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Presented by WebinarNinja
Free Workshop: Fill Your Online Courses

Hello amazing creators!

Congrats! You did the first hard part: creating a great online course.

Now there’s the other hard part: creating an effective, consistent stream of students.

Let’s tackle it together.

Join me for “The Online Course Sales Machine,” a workshop where you’ll learn how to set up a single, repeatable system to keep the sales coming using the power of webinars.

This free, live workshop happens on Tuesday, September 27th at 1pm PST.

I hope to see you there.

- Omar Zenhom Co-founder & CEO, WebinarNinja

P.S. Can’t make it live. Bummer! It’s going to be super interactive. But we get it. Register anyway so you can get access to the 48hr. replay.
Why (and how) I designed my membership community to stay small

I launched my membership community, The Lab, in March of this year.

In just 6 months, it has:

  • gained 135 members
  • generated $96K
  • nearly doubled my business
  • become my favorite place on the internet

Despite having such a huge, immediate impact on my business – I've actually made the decision that I'm going to keep The Lab small.

The community will not exceed 200 active members.

I've gotten a lot of questions about why I would throttle the growth and potential of my "cash cow."

So I wanted to break down why I've decided to keep The Lab small and why it might be a model for other membership communities to consider.

A new course on the horizon! 👀

This weekend, I quietly opened the presale for my newest course, Build A Beloved Membership.

Inside this course, I'll teach you everything I know about building a paid membership community with high engagement, high retention, and high upside.

And right now, the course is available at presale pricing (25% off).

👉 Learn more and enroll


Creator Science

Evidence-backed guidance for creators and solopreneurs. I study the world's best creators, run experiments, and share what I learn with 58,000+ readers every week.

Read more from Creator Science

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